Cutey's Domain

Just your avg chick living life in the ATL. Could love be around the corner?

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

ain't this a BITCH?! has got to be the worst day i had in a long time. when the new year came i was so confident and happy about life. i went to church that new year's eve and just knew this was going to be the year. the sermon message was "the best is yet to come", and i really felt that. unfortunately, i didn't take in account their were going to be obstacles to overcome. how naive of me. the first thing that happened today was that i found out i'm no longer eligible for financial aid. that was a shocker... i mean they could have a warned a sista.. sent a postcard or something! so i was a little down but nevertheless... got over it. then, i also found out that one of the most important classes that i really need to take got taken off my schedule. i mean i registered for this semester the first day of early registration and paid my money and everything! two days before classes started i checked my classes to print out what building and classroom to goto and low and behold one of my freaking classes wasn't there! i tried to register for it again but now the class is closed...ain't that a bitch! so basically that sets me a semester back from graduating. talk about pissed off! so you already get my drift of how pissed off i was. it couldn't get worse than that..right? wrong! i'm driving to school for my late night class just mindin my business... when i see the sirens behind me. i'm sittin there like "great.. a perfect ending to a fukked up day"! this punk ass police officer gives me TWO tickets (not 1) ! i already have one ticket that i have to goto court for next week and this BIATCH gives me another ticket for the same fukkin thing! well anywayz.... today sucked azz and i had to get the shyt off my chest. sorry for all the curse just was one of those days. its way to early in the year for this bullshyt... lets just hope my preacher was right and the best really is yet to come. i hope yall had a better day than i had.