Cutey's Domain

Just your avg chick living life in the ATL. Could love be around the corner?

Friday, February 25, 2005

Stressful Week!

i know its been a good minute since i have written a blog. this week has been so stressful and i thank God its friday! i had a midterm and a final this week. i had to also turn in a lab notebook and microscopic drawings. i got no sleep this week trying to get all my stuff done and study for the tests. but enough about school, lets talk about my nonexistant personal life. lol. naw, i'm just joking. i still talk to the dude that i like and we are still cool. we are going to kick it all day today and take in a movie, "diary of a mad black woman", and go out to eat. i really do like him and i know i said he probably got a lot of girls, but i don't believe that now. the more we talk, the more i like him and am really starting to get to know him. this whole taking it slow and really getting to know the person is cool. i recommend it to everyone. this weekend i am just going to relax and sleep and be a lazy bum. lol. unfortunately, on sunday, i will have to start doing research on my speech and my final for next week. will the work ever end!! this is what i get for going back to school. lol. oh well, i'm about to get dressed now and get something to eat because i'm starving! be blessed!